Church of Brashov Building / Landmark in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Church of Brashov

Church of Brashov
Atop a slight rise, against the roots of the pillar stone that supports Castle Roeyen, stands a gray, sagging edifice of stone and wood. This church has obviously weathered the assaults of evil for centuries on end and is worn and weary. A bell tower rises toward the back, and flickering light shines through holes in the shingled roof. The rafters strain feebly against their load.
The heavy wooden doors of the church are covered with claw marks and scarred by fire. Father Donavich is the local priest of Brashov and steward of its church and burial grounds.  


Father Donavich prays throughout the night, every night. His voice is always hoarse and weak. He is, in a word, insane. A little more than a year ago, his twenty-year-old son Doru and several other villagers stormed Castle Roeyen in revolt, having been lured there by a wizard in black robes who came to Dibril from a faraway land. By all accounts, the wizard died by Countess Ravna van Roeyen's hand, and so too did Doru, who returned to his father as some kind of undead monster. Father Donavich was able to trap his son in the church’s undercroft.  


With the help of Ismark Kol­yanovich, the party distracts Father Donavich while they descended into the undercroft and kill Doru. After leaving Brashov, the party hears the sound of a single bell toll from the church, and surmises that Father Donavich may have hung himself.

Father Donavich

Temple / Church
Parent Location


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