Rahadin Character in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Rahadin is the dökkálfar chamberlain of Castle Roeyen. He is Countess Ravna van Roeyen's eternal servant, a longtime comrade-in-arms, and a ruthless warrior who has killed thousands in his lifetime. The screams of these dead forever torment those who come too near to Rahadin.  


According to Ismark Kol­yanovich and Ireena Kolyana, Rahadin came to the Village of Brashov with several silent, armored soldiers, and killed the town treasurer and mortally wounded their father for failure to pay enough taxes.  


The party encounters Rahadin outside St. Andral's Church, along with Ravna. Rahadin conveys to the party an invitation from Ravna to Castle Roeyen, and guarantees their safety.   The party later encounters Rahadin at the Wizard's Tower, where he is in hot pursuit of Ezmerelda d’Avenir. Together with Ezmerelda, the party defeats Rahadin. While striking the killing blow, Simak traps his soul in the Black Mirror, setting free whatever soul was previously contained there. The next morning, after their confrontation with Ravna, the party discovers that Rahadin's body is gone.   While holding Rahadin's soul entrapped in the mirror, Simak communicates with it in various ways, both willingly and unwillingly.
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