Dökkálfar Species in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The dökkálfar, or dusker as they're called by the Vistani, are an ancient fey race that supposedly disappeared after the Last War. The dökkálfar were known to inhabit the old forests throughout the northern and eastern lands of the modern day Imperium.      


According to Rudolph van Richten, an ancient structure known as the Amber Temple was built by the dökkálfar of the Dibril Valley thousands of years ago. Van Richten also claims some dökkálfar still exist in the Valley today.   The party later encounters Rahadin, a dökkálfar servant of Ravna, at St. Andral's Church in Vallaki, as well as Velikov and several other dökkálfar in the Vistani Camp outside Vallaki.

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