Yester Hill Building / Landmark in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Yester Hill

The trail through the thick woods leads to a hill covered with dead grass and cairns of black rock. Dark, ominous clouds gather high above, and a single bolt of lightning strikes the hilltop. West of the hill, the land, the woods, and the sky vanish behind a towering wall of fog.
  The druids of the Terg clans of Dibril Valley convene here. The hill consists of two concentric rings of of cairns that encircle the hillside. Each cairn is a ten-foot-high mound of slimy black rocks. Atop the hill is a wide ring of black boulders and smaller rocks that collectively form a makeshift wall enclosing a field of dead grass. At the south end of the hilltop is a sickly copse, a grove of dead trees and shrubs with a huge, misshapen tree at its core. Blood oozes like sap from its twisted trunk.   To the west is a massive wall of fog. Anyone who looks into the fog sees the distant outline of a city and hears the muffled toll of church bells.  


After defeating the druids and the monstrous blight summoned by their ritual, the party recovers one of the lost gems from the Wizard of Wines. They also investigate the huge tree on the south end of the hill, and kill the druid entrapped there; called Thias. The party speculates that the tree may be one of the corrupted Fanes and decides to investigate later.

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