Fanes Character in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The Fanes are nature spirits supposedly worshipped by the Terg. Small standing stones commemorating these spirits are found by the party at Durst Mill. One stone depicts a fish, one a bird, and one a tree.   After encountering a strange presence at Lake Zarov, Velikov tells the party that the Fanes of the Dibril Valley had their power stolen by a wizard centuries ago and trapped in three gems. Without their natural power, the Fanes cannot resist Ravna's control over the land, and they were slowly corrupted into monsters.   The party later learns that the Wizard of Wines owes its fertile farmland to three gems with magical power over nature. The party surmises these may be the same gems used to trap the power of the Fanes. They also suspect that the wizard who created the gems may be Khazan.   The party then encounters an enormous tainted tree at Yester Hill that they believe may be the Earth Fane.   According to the Mad Mage, the Fanes must be restored to their full power or Ravna can never be defeated. In order to return the Fanes power from the gems, he recommends "shoving 'em in there."   According to the Terg shaman Einar, the gems must be crushed in order to free their power. Though he suspects only the wizard who created the gems may know for sure.
Divine Classification
Nature Spirits

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