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Sun Hee Kwen

Susa Sun Hee Kwen

female Tian-Hwan human changeling (dream may) warpriest cleric of Kofusachi, ritualist dedication

"Yeah. I mean, I get it. You were just trying to solve the problem. And so, maybe just run it by the rest of us next time, you know? That way when you’re thinking, 'Hey, I’m about to do something that could jeopardize the mission or get people hurt,' we could help you. Workshop something... or brainstorm ideas..."
– Sun Hee to Exley after the failed Lucky Nimbus break-in

(Sun Hee's content is under construction. Please excuse the scaffolding.)

Sun Hee revealed herself as a dream may changeling in a shared Dreamlands ritual with her fellow agents, making her the daughter of an unknown night hag. She is sworn to secrecy in Starwatch due to the sensitivity regarding shapeshifters and doppelgangers in recent years in Absalom's politics. Very few others are aware of her actual heritage as a changeling, working directly for Starwatch's Captain Asilia. Her natural form looks similar to her disguised human form, her skin purple like a faded bruise, ears pointed and notched, and with short, black horns and claws. She could easily be confused for one of many kinds of tiefling or other planetouched heritages, if not for the clear indicator of her heterochromia.

Sun Hee was raised in a Kofusachan monastery in the Hwanggot city of Haseong, where she was found abandoned sometime in the first year of her life, mauve-skinned and sporting stubby horns. Assuming her at first to be a hungerseed, one of many oni-spawn tieflings, or even a ploy by a rival, they raised the young girl with the heart and joy of Kofusachi and found her natural exuberance and enthusiasm for the faith a welcome addition to the monk's own.

Trained in numerous Kofusachan practices of service, gratitude, and meditation, Sun Hee adapts quickly to new situations and problems with an attention to detail and believability. It is these traits that make her a valuable asset to Captain Asilia and Starwatch, since she is able to gather information organically in the field and utilize her abilities as a changeling to change her form and infiltrate other organizations if required. She is aided in these roles by her clerical abilities to communicate through and travel into a plane known as the Dreamlands, although Sun Hee recently believes that this may be tied less to her faith and more to her heritage than she would like to confront at the moment.

"There is a way. No one will reveal the secret. You must enter the door yourself, but there is no door. In the end, there is not even a way."

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Optimistic, direct, compassionate, astute, and convivial.

Vices & Personality flaws

Worries easily, mysterious about her true self, and can be a bit of a goody-goody.


Family Ties

Born a dream may changeling, Sun Hee is the daughter of a night hag, although the details surrounding her abandonment at the monastery where she was found remain unresolved. Her adopted family includes the older monks and nuns of her order and several years of found families made as she ventured from Hwanggot toward Absalom.

Religious Views

Sun Hee was raised in a Kofusachan monastery and is an ardent supporter in his outlook on discovery, happiness, and prosperity, believing that a full stomach and a warm drink are not only the keys to the closed door of a person's heart, but a basic right of all people.

Social Aptitude

Sun Hee is naturally charismatic and very sociable, making friends easily and finding common ground between people of wildly differing viewpoints or backgrounds. She loves to travel and meeting new people, making her assignments in the Radiant Festival and the introduction of the Precipice Quarter's newest guards, Edgewatch, a natural fit for the gregarious changeling.

Hobbies & Pets

Collects tea sets and alcohol bottles. No known pets, although she keeps a charm on her keys shaped like a round, sleeping tapir.
Current Status
Tasked with aiding the Starwatch heroes uncover the Twilight Four
Thin almonds, friendly; heterochromatic (golden-brown / violet)
Black-brown, short eton cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan
Aligned Organization


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