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Azuzen Deza

male elf-kin lawful neutral storm sorcerer

Azuzen Deza

Azuzen's Story

Azuzen was orphaned or abandoned at a very young age. He doesn't know which it was and he doesn't care to know. He figures from the color of his skin and hair and his subtle elven features that at least one of his parents was not the nurturing kind so it just doesn't matter to him. All he knows is that he was fending for himself from day one. On the streets of Talanas, the elf-kin urchin has to make due any way that he could. Crime became inevitable but Azuzen was never great at it and, if not for release that life on the seas brought, he probably would not have lasted much past adulthood.   The adolescent street hood got into a tight spot once and, in order to escape the city guards that were chasing him, Azuzen stowed away aboard a ship. There, hidden from view in the cargo hold, he fell asleep. When he woke up, the ship was moving. He looked and could spot no sign of land. For a couple of days or more, Azuzen stayed hidden but eventually, he was found out. His problem was further compounded by the fact that the vessel he had stowed away on was a pirate ship. Ordinarily, pirates don't suffer stowaways at all but the captain in this case, a dragonborn named Kravick took pity on the skinny half-elf and let him live.   Azuzen spent that voyage proving to the captain that his kindness was well placed. He proved a very quick learner; he took naturally to sailing and the sea. So it was no surprise when Kravick added him to his crew permanently. For the next fifteen years, Azuzen was a fixture on Kravick's ships. He started as a deckhand but, as his sailing and arcane skills grew, he worked his way up and eventually, became Kravick's navigator.   When the Hordes came, like most Corsairs, Kravick steered his crew clear of the open fighting but they did do quite well preying on the supply vessels of all the nations involved. Then sailors from Ka-Lin conspired to strike back at the pirates. They sought the services of a deadly sea dragon to attack Starhaven and Kravick sailed to the pirate refuge's defense. In a series a skirmishes leading up to the final battle with the dragon, Kravick and most of his crew were killed. But Azuzen survived and was there to help deliver the killing blows to the wyrm.   For a number of years following the fateful moment in Starhaven, Azuzen goes from ship to ship. He's never been motivated to take his own command as he much prefers the simplicity of knowing what his duties are and not having to worry about much else. On many of the ships he's sailed with, his friend the minotaur Makon Stormborn has also been a part of the crew. Then another incident in Starhaven changed things for Azuzen once again.   Though he had been with the Corsairs for nearly three decades, Azuzen had never met Amberlee Amberjack. During the incidents around the meeting of the Court of Embers early in 14 CA, Azuzen met the Corsairs' soon to be leader and was instantly smitten. For his part, he also caught Amberlee's eye with his skill and bravery during the two week period. After the matter was resolved, Azuzen parted ways with Mak and joined Captain Amberlee's crew as her navigator and more.

Azuzen's Description and Mannerisms

Azuzen is slight of build, even for someone with elven heritage. He stands just five and a half feet tall and weighs just 140 pounds. His drow ancestry accounts for his unnaturally pale skin, shock white hair, and amethyst eyes. The human parts of him are apparent in the less pronounced pointing of his ears and the round shape of his eyes.   The sailor has the typical look of one. He wears a black tricorn hat with silver stitching along the edges, white flowing shirts that are often not completely buttoned, and black breeches and leather boots. The only thing that stands out about Azuzen is his treasured staff that is always in hand.  
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6"
140 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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