Elthrithi Burningsword Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Elthrithi Burningsword

female aasimar lawful good vengeance paladin

Elthrithi's Story

Elthrithi was born around midsummer; in Southgate thirteen and a half years before the Hordes arose. She came as a big surprise to her parents who, with their youngest before her almost 10 years old, thought they were done having children before she came along. At birth, her parents Silga Mirthore and Thedus Burningsword, saw immediately that their child was not entirely of the mortal realm. She clearly carried the otherworldly marks of a celestial heritage.   Elthrithi was born aasimar. Her parents were and remain a very devout couple and they were overjoyed with what was a clear blessing from the gods. Her family's wealth meant that she was given the highest level of instruction in both academic and physical pursuits. However, like her father and her sister Vigdis, Elthrithi's passion was for the martial arts over books or almost everything else.   Her love for music did compel her to learn to play the flute so that she could bring music with her wherever she went. Music and dancing made her a very happy child most of the time. However, her parents or siblings would sometimes find her seemingly staring into nothingness, head tilted as though listening to some distant voice. During such episodes, her hands sometimes would glow indicating her celestial bond.   The young Elthrithi was not staring at or listening to nothing. The only thing that exceeded her passion for music and martial pursuits was the intensity of her faith. While she was respectful of her parents' individual faiths and reverential to their gods, Hymdall and Tir, Elthrithi's faith burned brightest for the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut.   She would explain to her family that during her episodes of silent wondering, she was blessed with visions of Bahamut and his closest advisors, particularly the Seven Gold Wyrms. El would say that her visions comprised of the exploits of the great wyrms often recounted by Gruenar the Voice or Sonngrad the Wing.   Of all of the Seven Wyrms, it was Troannaxia the Presence that made the biggest impression on Elthrithi. As she grew into adolescence, she vowed to adhere to the ethos of the Presence; to subdue evil and injustice with force when nothing else would suffice. Once, at just 12 years old, there was telling of a local merchant being attacked on the road into Southgate. The attackers got away so Elthrithi tried to sneak out at night to go looking for the brigands. Luckily for her, her oldest sister, Gjetrud heard her and kept her from going out.   The hard and bright edges of her faith and military acumen were tempered by a strong dose of compassion. Elthrithi was often seen using her innate healing skills to restore wounded animals. She would also heal family members when they got hurt and her healing touch helped to keep her parents healthy into their ninth decade of life. Later, when she joined her sister Vigdis in the Army of the Southlands, she was known to heal her sibling, among others, from their battle wounds.  

Elthrithi's Descriptions and Mannerisms

Elthrithi stands just over six feet in height and is stocky and powerfully built at just over 250 pounds. She has long, thick, pale-blond hair that she wears loosely well past her waist. The golden hue of her tan skin and her pale hazel eyes are indicative of her celestial heritage. When out in public, Elthrithi wears a veil and hood to obscure her true nature and the features that come with it. She keeps her appearance as secretive as her identity and only shares these with those she trusts implicitly.   Elthrithi is much less timid when the situation calls for it. In battle, she wades into the fray with a fearlessness that is the envy of most of her colleagues. She can fight at range if necessary but much prefers to engage with enemies with her trusted blade in hand.  
Date of Birth
-17 CA
Circumstances of Birth
Born into nobility in the City of Southgate
Current Residence
Pale Hazel
Pale (nearly-white) blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned with a golden hue
6' 1"
255 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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