Huus Burningsword Organization in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Huus Burningsword

Elthrithi's parents met when her father, a Commander in the Army of the Southlands was wounded during the hostilities between Elysia and an alliance of the settlements and peoples of the Varn Valley 36 years before the Current Age. Her mother, a cleric of Tir, was a battlefield medic with the armies and she treated his severe wounds. She saved his life and his jovial and jocular nature during his recovery won her heart.   Thedus Burningsword and Silga Mirthore have four children of which Elthrithi is the youngest. Born in 34 bCA, Henrik, the oldest and scion, became a high-ranking cleric of Hymdall. Gjetrud followed three years later and grew to be a renown religious scholar and married into another prestigious noble family, Huus Morningstrength. Gjertrud grew in acclaim as a scholar to the point of being named vice-chairperson of the University of Westport. Mis Vigdis Burningsword was born in 27 bCA and has followed her father as a warrior of some renown. Finally came Elthrithi and she was a surprise to her parents in more ways than just how late and unexpected the pregnancy was.
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