Kholoros Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Kholoros was a green dragon who was known to terrorize the southern reaches of the Salsanas Mountains in Southwestern Taszerlund. He was active in the decades around the dawn of the Current or Common Age. It is held that Kholoros was an prominent agent of the Queen of Dragons, Tiamat and a faithful operator in the Cult of the Dragon.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cult of the Dragon
Kholoros found an object for his devotion when he first learned of the Cult of the Dragon. When the activities of the cult came to his attention, he was not yet fully mature by a couple of years. The young dragon had been casting about for his place in the world. He had come to appreciate the deep woods of Taszerlund and was favoring the southwestern corner of that land but he had not yet established a lair. Then the cult came.   At first, Kholoros was content to simply help the cult's raiding activities across the lands of Taszerania. But his ambition would not be kept at bay for long. He made it a point to ensure the cult's leaders knew he was always ready to do more. Then his chance presented itself.   Kholoros was given the descriptions of some interlopers interfering in the Cult's activities and instructions to hunt them down and kill them.   The dragon set to work. First by establishing a base of operations within the hillside of the forested foothills east of the Salsanas. As he did this, it occurred to him that he might also have found a location for his own burgeoning lair. So he transferred his hoard there. Then he went hunting.   The ambitious wyrm's first interaction with the adventurers he sought didn't go as well as he'd like. They were easy enough to find. They would have been so even without tips that came to him from an unexpected source; from someone who was not necessarily an agent of the Cult of the Dragon but who was still interested and invested in their doings. Still, that first confrontation didn't go well so Kholoros retreated. He withdrew to his lair to scheme and plan. He would make certain any subsequent encounters with the interlopers would end much more favorably for him.

Personality Characteristics


Kholoros was a special kind of ambitious, even amongst dragons. He thirsted for wealth, like most of his kind but treasure was not his greatest ambition. Power and prestige were. So, when the opportunity to serve the Queen of Dragons and garner Tiamat's favor, he didn't pass it up. He used such an opportunity to establish himself as a player amongst dragonkind.
lawful evil
Current Status
terrorizing the locals in southwestern Taszerlund
Date of Birth
~ bCA 81
yellow; reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bright green scales
Aligned Organization


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