Taszerania Geographic Location in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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The so-called western continent, Taszerania, was the second-largest contiguous land mass on the World of Azocar. It stretched more than 1,800 miles from its sub-arctic northern regions to the wide isthmus in the southeast that connected it to the central continents of Aradi al-Qadr. The furthest one can travel overland from north to south anywhere on Azocar without having to get aboard a seafaring vessel is on Taszerania. And, at its widest, Taszerania extends more than 1,200 miles from west to east.   Despite its size, Taszerania was much more homogenous both culturally and politically than the other continents of the world. All the peoples of Taszerania shared a lengthy cultural history. Even as late as the early decades of the Sixth Age, the majority of the continent's land was governed by three kingdoms which remained cordial despite the strain that the Horde Wars produced. Also, those areas of Taszerania that were not specifically parts of Elysia, Eldessar, or the Taszer Exarchy were still generally in allegiance with them.


Though no records of its earliest days remained, the history of Taszerania spanned more than the seven millennia of its known period; certainly to the First and Second Ages of Azocar. Though little was known of these forgotten times, one thing was known for certain. When the elves first journeyed to Taszerania from their fey realms, humans and dwarves were already there, along with numerous other kinds of people.  

Age of the Ancients

  The earliest recorded histories, those of the elves of Taszer Dale dated back to the dawn of the Third Age of Azocar, the Age of the Ancients, approximately 7,000 years bCA. These recorded the earliest excursions of the Ehlad-Elvar, the first elves from the planes of light into the natural world.  
Arrival of the Elves
Elven history recorded the first expeditions of Lahr-nal of the Highburn Forests and his clan from the Feywild into the natural world of Azocar some sixty-eight centuries before the Common Age. This also recorded that Lahr-nal was about two centuries old at the time. And that there were certainly people living on Taszerania then. This even though it would be 500 years before the earliest records of notable interactions between the elves and the other peoples of Taszerania first appeared.   At the time of their first dealings with the elves, the human peoples of northern Tasserania were little more than numerous groupings of many loosely affiliated tribes and clans inhabiting the northern third of the continent. Though these humans were often rivals for the same natural resources, they shared a common bond in that they considered themselves "the first people" of the land and collectively called themselves just that. They were the "Eldess People", with Eldess meaning "first" in their ancient language.   Even more loosely affiliated and more spread out throughout the northern half and eastern and western lands of Taszerania were clans of halflings and gnomes. The same could be said for the goblinoid peoples of the badlands around the three largest mountain ranges stretching across Taszerania. As well as for the orc peoples and large folk northern edge of the Ice Lords mountain range and the forbidding tundra north and west of these.   Of all the people living in Taszerania when the elves arrived, the dwarves were the most organized. The two dwarven realms were not affiliated in any way and only vaguely aware of each other's existence but they were similarly organized and more advanced than all the neighboring peoples.   The ancient dwarven kingdom of Salsanas called the mountainous peninsula of the same name their homeland in the southwest. But they also boasted many underground settlements all up and down the whole of the Salsanas Mountains. Also, in the northeast, within the frigid peaks of the Ice Lords, the Ithlandyr Kingdom of the dwarves reigned. These "northern" dwarves were much like their brethren from the south physically and, especially culturally but any kinship between the two nations was muted by the great distances that separated them.  
Taszer Dale, the first Elven Nation
More than four centuries of elven migration from the feywild and expansion of their people throughout the vast expanses of the virgin and unbroken woodlands covering the middle third of Taszerania came with eventual consequences. In the 65th century bCA, the elves of Taszer Dale first came into contention with the Salsanas dwarves for the same lands and resources. The two peoples came to loggerheads over a region in southwestern Taszer known as the Kald Vale.   The elves and dwarves were already long-acquainted by then. The two peoples had even established cordial trade relations in the early centuries of the Third Age. But their individual successes and resulting growth meant they eventually came into competition with each other. The younger and more hot-headed members of the elven nation proffered a cry for war but their venerable leader would have nothing of it.   Lahr-nal was already into his seventh century of life but he was still the unquestioned leader of the Taszer elves. He worked hard to remind his brethren that they were the new arrivals in the vast and fertile lands of Taszerania. And to remind them it was not the ehlad way to take more than what was needed. Lahr-nal convinced his people to sue for peace with the dwarves and even brokered that accord. As a result, the Salsanas nation officially recognized the Nation of Elves of the Taszer Dale and Lahr-nal as its king.   The elves were not accustomed to such structures but their traditions dated back to times when they lived on another plane of existence entirely. Finding themselves in the natural world, the Taszer elves leaned into the new tradition and first came to recognize themselves as a single, unified nation. There had never been any question that Lahr-nal was their leader but this made it "official". The assertion was further codified when Lahr-nal died in 6199 bCA and his son, Mahar-nal was proclaimed King of the Elves.  
Northward Expansion of the Elves

Age of Discord


Age of Law

The Horde Wars

The Common Age

WIP   Political map of Taszerania, c. CA 20:
Alternative Name(s)
The Western Continent
Inhabiting Species
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