Rhys Dawnstrider Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Rhys Dawnstrider

male human lawful good vengeance paladin

Sir Rhys Dawnstrider

Rhys's Story

The Dawnstrider house is a lower noble family of Elysia but its current patriarch, Allan Dawnstrider is held in very high regard by his more well to do peers. His exploits on the fields of battle during the Horde Wars are largely to thank for this.   Rhys, the firstborn, was already riding a pony despite being just five years old when his father finally retired from his service to the Army of the Southlands several years after the end of the wars. A brother and three sisters soon joined the family all the while, Rhys watched over his siblings' early years. He took to the role of tutor of outdoors pursuits, teaching them all how to fish, fight, hunt, and most importantly, ride. By the time he had taught the baby, Lillandra Dawnstrider to ride her first pony, Rhys was already a young man.   The young man had always borne a striking resemblance to his father but, as he grew, the resemblance became more and more uncanny. The similarities were not restricted to physical features either. Rhys showed a natural affinity for martial pursuits and it was presumed early that he would one day earn honor for the family on the field of battle.   The only difference between father and son was the measure of their faith. Allan venerated Hymdall like his father, his father's father, and their predecessors for many generations. The Church of the Watching One did not have a sizable presence in the Southlands and this made the family unique in yet another way. Rhys followed in his father's faith but his dedication to the church was much more passionate. It's what led him to choose the path of the holy warrior rather than a simply martial life like his father.   During his later teenage years, Rhys's father grew more and more involved in the political affairs of the kingdom. King Alfred's tepid support of Elysia's neighbors to the East and South during the Horde Wars served to exacerbate what were already strained relations between the three kingdoms.   Then there started to arise rumors that a long-forgotten organization was again active in the world. This had Allan and a number of like-minded other nobles from the Southlands worried that things would get worse in their part of the world, not better. To this end, early in the spring of the 17th year of the current age, Lord Dawnstrider asked Rhys to venture west.   Rhys was just 19 and it would be a couple of years before he could join Elysia's military. Lest he enlist as a squire, he would have to wait to his 21st year to enlist. Allen would not have any son of his in such a lowly position so he pressed upon Rhys to "help out with the family business."   A couple of weeks before he left home, a traveling scholar was a guest at Dawnstrider Keep. Rhys's father consulted with the traveler, a monk named Leosin Erlanthar but Rhys was not part of these meetings. The incident stuck with him however for two reasons. Many of Allen's allies from the Southlands were in the same meeting. Also, Lord Dawnstrider's resolve for the chosen course, his mission for Rhys seemed to be more resolved after the gathering.   Early into the month of Blooming, Rhys set off headed east. In Southgate, he took up with a merchant caravan bound for the Varn Valley. From there, another caravan headed towards Varn's Gate by way of Gate Horn offered more traveling company. And several days following the mid-spring festival, Rhys and those he travelled with approached the town of Greenfields.  

Rhys's Description and Mannerisms

Rhys is an almost carbon copy of his father. They are the same height; six feet and about two inches. They have the same chiseled features and muscular build, both weighing in at little more than 200 lbs. As is commonplace with the Eldess people, they both have fair skin, bright eyes, both hazel, and dirty-blond hair. A significant amount of greying in Allen's hair is one difference and the other notable variance is that 19 year-old Rhys's beard is still growing in.   The young lordling's dress also betrays his place of origin. Though it would be inappropriate to wear the official crest of the Army of the Southlands, the tunic that Rhys wears over his chain mail contains significant portions of red and brown. There can be little doubt as to where he's from.   Rhys eschews use of a shield, a fact that is indicative of his approach to the challenges that appear before him. Rather than using defense to ward off attackers, he tends to charge into the fray; towards the danger. He carries a javelin just in case the enemy is somewhat distant so no turn is wasted. But he prefers to be in melee as quickly as he can. He does carry a warhammer as a backup weapon but his preferred implement is the greatsword his father had forged for him as a 16th birthday gift.  
lawful good
Current Status
chasing the Cult of the Dragon to the ends of the earth
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Eldest son and heir of Huus Dawnstrider
hazel green
dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
220 lbs.
worshipper of Hymdall


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