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Crescent Moon Company

-History & Purpose-

  Originally founded by Umbra Locke, the company was almost entirely dedicated to research endeavors. Over time it has morphed into one of the, if not the most, successful companies in history. Now adays they are an empire unto themselves. While they still lean heavily into the research ideals Locke wanted, they have branched out into medicine, entertainment, home appliances, food, and all aspects of a person’s daily life.   Crescent moon continues to lead the way in bridging the gap between the unknown and the known. Between the sacred and the profane. Between the magical and the mundane.  

-C-Level Officers-


Shari Darfore, Human, 35, Chief Executive Officer

  “With each step forward we gain understanding.”   …Shari Darfore is a native of Samudari and 3rd born child, only daughter, of the late captain Jones Darfore and Alicca Salwar Darfore a local waver. While growing up she learned quickly from watching her brothers that its better to let other people make the mistakes and you learn what not to do. This mindset, she says, along with her father’s strict hand when handling disputes led her to develop the “Piercing Counter” mentality which has rocketed her to the top of the most well-known company on the continent. When on the clock she has an almost slave driving mentality. “You’re here to work so work” is a sort of catch phrase attributed to her by many an employee. However, once the shift ends the employees mention her to be incredibly nice and personable…   …which is a given in the current years. Along with being a mother and author she is a skilled magus and Crystalline Invoker having gotten into the craft out of a love of gemstones rather than an admiration for the company’s founder and progenitor of the craft. Her admiration and worship are held for the church of the twelve and the late Casfic “The Seafarer” Divine of Ships. The latter being something many sailing families retain even to this day. Though the worship had a different connotation in years past when…  

Malfarja Flamemane, Beastkin-Lion, 41, Chief Operations Officer

  “Tradition, loyalty, and honor. For the company and the family.”   …Malfarja Flamemane is the 5th Flamemane to be on the company’s highest rungs. He is one who rarely talks about himself publicly rather putting focus on the company or his family. In fact, in the 133 years the company has been around only 19 of those years haven’t had a Flamemane as a C-level officer or section head. Malfarja, first born, carries the responsibility with honor. The family came over from the free lands shortly after the Zongly rebellions and the founding of the company. As Malfarja tells it his great great grandfather took a hell mary shot and applied to be muscle and translator of all things beastkin. Umbra Locke wanted the best and race was not a factor so despite what many at the time would have said the first Flamemane entered the company. Since then, the family has done as many beastkin do when they settle in new lands. Deeming the locals who bring them in as their tribe. This has led the family to become exceedingly loyal to the original ideals of Locke and the health of the company as a whole…   …Malfarja being the first born and one to embrace tradition has done as the past five generations before him in following the path of a battle mage. While some choose the way of the barbarian and others the way of the warrior all study enough arcane magics to at least be able to invoke gemstones at a passable level. To say his level is simply passable however is an understatement…  

Juan Hortamas, Human, 31, Chief Magic Officer

  “I wish the very best for us all.”   …Juan, 2nd born, is the heir to House Hortamas. That house being one of the two remaining houses that bought in on the company’s founding. Calm, cool, distant, he is well known for being able to see the greater view of the world, as he puts it, and the magic that permeates it. He graduated of the Umbren University and is among the most knowledgeable magus, if not among the most powerful, outside of that very university or the Mage’s College. Out of respect for his request we will not be adding any personal details related to the political goings on of his family or his personal life…  

Haleem Meljasi, 45, Rodintra, Chief Financial Officer

  “Let us all grow old, fat, and wealthy around family, friends, and achievement.”   …home to many an item. Which brings us nicely onto Haleem Meljasi. The old rat, as he calls himself, handles the money for the company. He grew up in the area and while his family wanted him to work in the silver tail company, he chose a different lifestyle. Apparently getting a high position within the grand company of silver tail is difficult if you aren’t in the family. Don’t let his old age fool you. The mind behind those eyes is just as sharp as they were in his youth. Within the company he is seen as a caring boss though Divines help you if he finds out you messed up a payroll sheet. In his mind such a thing is akin to basic theft and such petty thieves will have the book thrown at them if not outright fired…   …As a follower of Sharik he has spent many years within the religious community making a name for himself as a proficient cleric…  

Epoc Williams, 35, Human, Chief Information Officer

  “Nothing is beyond our reach.”   …Epoc Silvaren Hillshire Williams was the only surviving son of the Williams Fishing&Co of the Mare Dive incident of 1120. During the hardship he found himself thankfully picked up by one of Boothra’s churches. While there his mind began to develop revealing his prestigious understanding of mathematics and puzzle solving. Earning a scholarship to the Umbren Universa he graduated at the top of his class a year early with a Masters in Arcana…   …While he has learned enough arcane magics to be able to invoke crystals he prides himself at his skill as a cleric of Boothra and spends much of his time giving back to charity…  

Markus Chiib, 55, Gnome, Chief Technology Officer

  “Boredom is a sin.”   …The man, the myth, the legend, the eccentric Markus Chiiblibdiblibib needs no introduction. Seen across the arcane engineering field as the greatest artificer of the age he has brought a number of grand inventions to both Crescent Moon and the world at large. The spark tile, vibrational home acoustic orb, and invisible force pet control border are but a few of his magitech creations. Within the company he is seen as a vibrant and active man with more energy than not one, but two bags of puppies…   …Having learned from his parents the Artificer blood runs deep within him. Though he did strike out on his own in his younger years to learn the ways of song and dance…  

Bartholomule Harbole, 51, Half-Dwarf(Human), Chief Marketing Officer

  “No such thing as bad publicity!”   …Tyrant of the News, Dragon of Marketing, and self-proclaimed “Divine of Getting **** Done” Bartholomule Harbole was born in Is-land to a mixed blood parentage. While times within the dwarven culture are attempting to change it wasn’t fast enough for him. Leaving his family behind he left for the vibrant shores of opportunity within the Takahata lands only to find them to cold for his liking before making his way to the city of Crescent Moon. He like many saw the destruction of the last Mare Dive event, but also the opportunity. Using his trademark aggression, he struck out on his own to begin his own consulting business. Over the years he would get clients until his genius in advertising caught the eye of the Crescent Moon. Within the company he orders his people like a leader in battle. Those under him tend to agree if you can keep up and handle his aggression, he is remarkably personable, but if you can’t he will leave you behind or promptly fire you…   …He had a mixed upbringing which led him to try quite a number of jobs before finding his stride leaving him with a broad understanding of many topics. A true jack of all trades…  

Robert Stjones, 37, Human, Chief Compliance Officer

  “No comment.”   …Robert Jones, as he prefers to be called, was born and raised in the capital Easari. He is the 3rd born to a long line of lawyers and civil servants. This familial knowledge has served him well in all manner of consulting jobs. Now he serves to guide the Crescent Moon through the torturous waters of lawfare and red tape…  

Diega Fleetmic, 109, Half-Elf(Human), Chief Ship Officer

  “Brilliant, vibrant, and adventurous. We hold to these ideas even now.”   …The beautiful Lady, and retired captain, Diega Fleetmic holds a number of interesting relations to the company given her long lived nature. The Fleetmics are the other of the two remaining families who bought in when the company was founded. She is also the only person in the company to have met the founder Umbra Locke when she was but a child. While her time on the Union of Captains is at an end she has taken over from her mother as the liaison between the council and Crescent Moon. She is seen as a giver to the community and all-around wonder to work with by everyone who has had the fortune to do so. Why look at what these former sailors had to say…   …Given her long life Lady Fleetmic has mastered a number of skills both martial, dexterous, and of course sailing related. However, after the last Mare Event she has put a lot of that behind her…  

Kosmo Weaver, 37, Tiefling (Human), Chief Divines Officer

  “While the Divines don’t always answer us we would do well to remember we all answer to them.”   …The Jester of the Church Kosmo has spent his life dedicated to understanding the Divine and Aeons. Both on a spiritual and personable level. He is the seven-time best-selling author of such titles as “The Punk-kin King and You: Why dying is sometimes not a bad thing,” and “The Church of the Twelve Virtues.” As the most recent to achieve the highest echelons of the company we look forward to him aiding all of us in navigating and understanding the Divines, Aeons, and their will…   …Though he of course loves all the great beings he does admit a personal bias for Lady Leamham given he is contracted to her…  

Malik Dempth, 55, Merfolk, Chief Security Officer

  “Better to be prepared and not need something than the other way around.”   …Malik Dempth comes to us as a retired adventurer and son of the island of Key Duodēcim. He has been in the company for the majority of his adult life. He sees the company as a way to bring people together both in spirit and coin. Understanding all too well the dangers of the world. Now he uses this skill to keep the workers safe. Around the company he is seen as a strict, but caring older brother figure who is keen to hear out honest grievances and how things can be made safer…  
  -Excerpts from the Crescent Viewing pamphlets of year 1152  


  Located in the coastal city of Crescent Moon the heart of the company lays within the Castle Factory Complex atop the highest of the many man-made hills.

Articles under Crescent Moon Company


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