The Wandering Woods
The Wandering Woods are a forest of hardy pine trees descending from the base of The Razor's Edge. While a single trade route cuts through the forest, large parts of it are completely impassable, with vegetation too thick for a horse to move through. The road is dotted with villages who make their living hunting, trapping, and woodcutting but the further you stray from the road, the denser and more dangerous the forest becomes. Bandits and all kinds of dangerous creatures lurk among the trees.
Fauna & Flora
The Wandering Woods is a coniferous forest primarily composed of Black Pine trees - a particularly hardy breed of tree that can withstand the harsh winters of Vesmos. Moss and ferns flourish in the shade of the of the pines and mulberries and elderberries grow in clusters wherever the sun pierces the foliage. Here in the forest, life is abundant. Rodents and deer come to graze on nuts and berries growing in the forest. In turn, they attract wolves, snakes, and foxes, and hawks, crows and owls make their homes in the safety of the high branches.
Natural Resources
The Wandering Woods is rich in lumber, fruits, and game. Trappers and hunters sell meat and furs to traveling merchants; lumber is transported to the Hess River then shipped all across Aheila. The villagers there eat well on the bounty of the forests, and the tree cover protects form the elements, making the Wandering Woods an attractive home, in spite of the monsters and bandits.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
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