The Ordning
The Ordning is tthe intuitive ranking of every giant, set up Annam the Fall-Father and creator of the giants. No giant is equal in rank and will always know thei place amongst the others.
Rank seems to mostly be defined by how well a giant manages to be the kind of fiant tthey are. But the inds of giant also exist in a strict heirarchy. From highest to lowest, they are: Storm Giants, Cloud Giants, Fire Giants, Frost Giants, Stone Giants, Hill Giants, and giant-kin (such as ogres or ettins). Even th highest ranked of one of these is ranked lower tha the lowest giant of the kind above them.
The Ordning was origially established to keep order in the lands of Ostoria when that empire of giants expanded. But very early on in 1490 DR, the Ordning was broken and giants no longer felt compelled to adhere to it. This has led to som disastrous consequences.