Hill Giant

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Hill giants are short and stocky in comparison to other giants. They are extremely muscular, capable of hurling boulders up to 300 lbs. through the air. they also possess good low-light vision.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A hill giant's metabolism is very high for a giant, and as a result, it has to eat a great quantity of food. It's not averse to eating humanoids and would eat almost anything.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Being big is the best thing for a hill giant and so they will usually try to eat as much as they can.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Like all giants, hill giants speak Giant (language), usually with their own dialect called Jotunhaug. The more clever among them might learn Common as well, but rarely more than that.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

In hill giant society, the most evil act that can be committed is the betrayal of one's tribe. A hill giant family (a "huslyder") is usually large and communal. The Ordning of hill giants is determined by a combination of an individual's physical strength and eating ability.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
At least 200 years.
Average Height
Male: 16' (4.9 m Female: 15'4" (4.67 m)
Average Weight
Male: 1,400 lbs. (640 kg Female: 940 lbs. (430 kg)


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