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Of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Of the Sun   It was in the beginning of all things before even the oldest walked the world before even the world itself that this tale begins. Long ago in a time before time the Sun was lonely and tired it was all but forgotten in the eyes of its siblings. As they danced across the infinite void our Sun was alone and it did something it never had. I wished with all its heart it reached out for something, someone and then there it was within its palm a grey-white ball large enough to fit in a hand.   Of the Moon   Just as it moves from one phase to the next the moon was split into many aspects and facets of the people who looked upon it. Shaped and morphed by all the cultures and people the moons phase determines what aspects hold the most power in this moment. But just as the Sun is split into the Aspects of Dawn(Rebirth), Day(Justice), and Twilight(Protection) in many cultures the Moon is also split into the Aspects of the New(Subterfuge), Waning(Nightmares), Waxing(Dreams), and Full(Knowledge) these are the most commonly worshipped Aspects of the Sun and Moon across the world.   Of the Stars   In the time before time there was anything, and all the Stars were born perfect objects of light and energy that had the potential to do whatever they pleased with all the time that now existed. Many created and destroyed their flawed creations but one the traitor became obsessed with its 'children' these flawed abominations lacked the eternity the heavens granted to the Stars. When asked to end its creations this flaw that may one day corrupt them all for the price of our creation was the eternity granted to our Sun it resisted and made allies to fight this eternal war in vigilance against its own kin. In the farthest reaches of space at the edges of the void where even the Stars thin the Traitor our Sun and creator resides abandoning its kin for its creations flawed and many lacking the grace of eternity that all who travel the void bear.
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