Centaurs Ethnicity in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Like the Minotaur, the horsefolk were created by the Storm Gods and the vast majority of them settled in the vast expanses of the Green Sea. They have long acted as guardians of the boundary with the Step of Una, preventing uncontrolled earth elementals finding their way into the material realm and unscrupulous magicians entering the Step to abuse the elementals. Despite this, proximity to the boundary left the herds, vulnerable in the early years of their cultural formation, to the influence of the Elemental Princes. Although immediately adjacent to the Elysian boundary, it was more usual for the centaurs to be swayed by Sessaris or Apyris, rather than Gravis, as the Smothering Ground was at odds with the centaurs' nature.   The herds are too few in numbers to push out of their traditional ranges, and their horse-bodies limit their mobility in forested, mountainous or urban environments, but conversely their strength and mobility prevent anyone muscling them out. Although they are still widely refered to as 'the herds,' and extended family is still an important part of their social identities, the centaurs of the Grass Sea unified during the diplomatic process of joining the Blessed Concordance as the Nome of the Waving Blades. The herds were always stubborn and proud, and intra-herd strife was instilled into them by the early influence of the cults of the Elemental Princes. They owe much of their unity to the intervention of earth Genasi missionaries, who helped them to break from their worst traditions and have mostly adopted the worship of the Gods of Foundation over the battle-focused Storm Gods.  

Centaurs and Identity

Centaurs are typically free-spirits, with this expressed in individuals as anything from a vague sense of wanderlust to a wild lack of inhibition. They see little as permanent except family, and have little regard for clothing, with the only traditional piece of dress among the herds being the taidh, a bag worn across the chest on a shoulder sash. The taidh is made in the colours of the centaur's herd, and given as a naming gift. Once a centaur is grown enough to carry their taidh, they wear it everywhere as a declaration not just of herd, but of identity. Traditionally, the taidh is personalised and embellished throughout a centaur's life with tokens of the people they meet and connect with, stitched onto the original fabric. Centaurs will sometimes even cut a small strip from their own taidh to exchange with a strip from that of a centaur with whom they have shared a particularly meaningful moment.   Centaurs possess a strongly biological sense of sex, but little conception of gender as a social construct, instead dividing their social roles into wyrds. A wyrd is a broadly defined calling, and the centaur dialects of sylvan use distinct pronouns for different wyrds. In translation, they tend to favour the elvish non-binary ee/em/eir. Different centaur groups define wyrds differently, but hunter, healer, sage, maker, grower, reveler and traveler are fairly universal.   Most centaurs settle into a wyrd sometime around puberty, but others remain wyrdflux throughout their lives.


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