The Elysian Federation Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The Elysian Federation

The Elysian Federation is a sprawling collective of twenty-six states, anchored around the ridge of the Skystone Peaks. While each has its own nomenclature and government, within the structure of the Federation they are known as the Twenty-Six Nomes, and their leaders as the Nomarchs.   In addition to the Nomarchs, the seven leading citizens of each nome are given the status of Federal electors, charged with appointing a representative – usually, but not always, from among a royal court or a similar social structure – to speak for them on the Council of Twenty-Seven, which meets in the capital city of Concordia, in the western foothills of the Skystone Peaks. The twenty-seventh seat on the Council is taken by the Stonelight, the overall leader of the Federation, who is elected by the Nomarchs.   The Federation was formed in stages. The first eight nomes were part of the original pact of unification, known as the Blessed Concordance. The other nomes were added at various points over the past two thousand years.
  1. The First Nome, Nome of the Blessed Concordance
  2. The Second Nome, Nome of the High Plains
  3. The Third Nome, Nome of the Great Canyon
  4. The Fourth Nome, Nome of the Stone Valleys
  5. The Fifth Nome, Nome of the Skyward Ridge
  6. The Sixth Nome, Nome of the Storm's Eye
  7. The Seventh Nome, Nome of the High Seats
  8. The Eighth Nome, Nome of the Low Plains
  9. The Ninth Nome, Nome of the Waving Blades
  10. The Tenth Nome, Nome of the Green Hills
  11. The Eleventh Nome, Nome of the Deeping Damps
  12. The Twelfth Nome, Nome of the Rain's Falling
  13. The Thirteenth Nome, Nome of the Rivers' Meeting
  14. The Fourteenth Nome, Nome of the Iron Hills
  15. The Fifteenth Nome, Nome of the Eternal Riding
  16. The Sixteenth Nome, Nome of the Broken Ground
  17. The Seventeenth Nome, Nome of the Towers of Wood
  18. The Eighteenth Nome, Nome of the Ancient Shadows
  19. The Nineteenth Nome, Nome of the Boundary Mists
  20. The Twentieth Nome, Nome of the Earthen Waves
  21. The Twenty-First Nome, Nome of the Steaming Seas
  22. The Twenty-Second Nome, Nome of the Cursed Waters
  23. The Twenty-Third Nome, Nome of the Crashing Rocks
  24. The Twenty-Fourth Nome, Nome of the Tall Ships
  25. The Twenty-Fifth Nome, Nome of the Rolling Thunder
  26. The Twenty-Sixth Nome, Nome of the Open Sky

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