Draconic Reckoning in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Draconic Reckoning

The Draconic, or Ancient Reckoning, counts time from the birth of the first mortal Dragons, the act which introduced chronological time into the World .   It uses a continuous count, based on a 360 day year of twelve 30-day lunar months, and a 240 year sidereal cycle. This makes it asynchronous with other calendrical cycles and both the solar and lunar years, as it is based on the pre-Cataclysm harmonious celestial cycle.   The year is written in two lines of draconic characters, giving the sidereal count number and the year number: e.g. Dr. 28/206 would be the 206th year of the 28th cycle.   The Dragonborn use an adjusted reckoning, which combines the draconic reckoning with a number of intercalary days to match the calendar year to the sidereal. In deference to their creators, however, all official records are dual-dated in the adjusted and original reckonings.  

Months of the Draconic Reckoning

  The months of the Draconic Reckoning are completely out of synch with their seasons. The adjusted reckoning makes the cardinal points of the year intercalary days, as well as the first and last days of the year and the last day of harvest. Every five years, an additional day between Year's Death and Year's Birth - No Year's Day - brings the calendar back into line with the solar year.
  • Frostrise (Year's Birth, Nadir)
  • Deepcold
  • Thawing
  • Flowing (Vernal Halfsky)
  • Steaming
  • Shimmering
  • Highsun (Zenith)
  • Dipping
  • Fruiting (Gathering)
  • Shadowfall (Autumnal halfsky)
  • Deeping
  • Icefall (Year's Death)

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