Eladrin Ethnicity in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The first Mortal Races were the Giants and the Dragons, but for more delicate work on the surface of Aiaos, the Titans needed smaller hands. The Eladrin were similar in shape to the Titans, but smaller, and forged not from pure elemental forces but from the raw stuff of the Primal Wild. They were given custodianship of all of the primordial supercontinent of Aiaor, and the Great Archipelago as their home.   As the mortal dragons brought time into the world, the Eladrin lived in time, although they were ageless. They saw life as a cycle of continual rebirth, linked to the regular and constant wheel of the seasons as was, and each Eladrin lived a succession of lives in different aspects, mirroring and, in many ways, defining the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Yet even for the ageless, mortality meant that there must be an ending, and for some Eladrin this knowledge proved too much. Usually beginning in a winter cycle, these individuals would be gripped by a nameless, existential despair which led in time to a descent into the Grim Plain, their energies turning to shadow and the eternal hope of their lives to bleak stoicism.   Many of the Eladrin, both those who lived in the seasons and those who lived in the shadow, were slain during the Colossus War. The survivors drifted away from their duty and withdrew to the Archipelago. Unfortunately, when the Cataclysm shattered Aiaor, the Archipelago was utterly destroyed, eradicating the Eladrin and their culture from the material plane. Some tales claim that certain Elven lines contain traces of Eladrin blood, but this is marked, if at all, by no more than a slightly extended lifespan and perhaps some slight mystical affinity for the seasons or the shadows.


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