Ladon Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Ladon was once an earthly paradise, the last remnant of the Divine Harmony which reigned between the creation and the coming of the Colossi. That harmony was maintained by the balance and alliance between the seven Primordial Dragons and their offspring. Unfortunately, that balance did not hold. Hrabram and Whyrddin found themselves unwilling, or even unable to coexist with some of their cohorts and planned to oust Tropos and Lacaga from Ladon. Ramad tried to intervene and was struck down by Hrabram’s fire; at that, Malcidis rose up in fury.   The battle tore across Ladon. The earth shook, the sky trembled and the seas boiled. Storms of fire and thunder wracked the coasts of Yethera and Caino. At last, Tempus rose and beat its wings, only once, but the world grew still. Storms petered out, quakes died, fires were quenched, and for a moment it seemed as though harmony had returned. All that fury could not be banished, however, not even by the greatest of the Primordials. Instead, Tempus took the energy into itself and it shattered. The force of the blast ripped Ladon apart and threw the remaining Primordial Dragons out of the world, scattering the surviving mortal dragons across the face of the globe. Only the scattered islands of the Ladonian archipelago remained.
Geopolitical, Country


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