Ladonia Geographic Location in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Some six hundred miles west of the coast of Argea lie the dragon islands of Ladonia, remnants of the shattered land of Ladon that was broken in ages past by the great war between the metallic and chromatic dragons who dwelt there.   What remains is an archipelago ruled by the Dragonborn clades and their Lizardfolk serfs.   There are ten major islands in the archipelago, one for each of the clades, as well as many minor islets. Each of the islands bears the marks of the dragonkind whose relicts rule it, which means that they are somewhat unbalanced, environmentally speaking. In addition, the artificial aisle of Axia lies at the geographical centre of the archipelago, and hosts the conclaves of the clades.  
  • Aurea – Banks of shimmering mist surround the island of the gold clade, shot through with rainbows. The island itself is lush and fertile, with a great, glassy-surfaced lake at the centre.
  • Amatis – The island of the silver dragonborn rises high above the sea in multiple spires of stone, with ingenious elevators linking its ports to the weyrs in the cloud-wreathed peaks.
  • Astis – The copper dragonborn dwell on a sun-kissed island of gently rolling hills and valleys.
  • Chromis – The island of the brass clade is a crown of golden stones, studded with tough plantlife.
  • Tachis – Broad caverns and swooping, natural arches of stone form the mazelike structure of the island of the bronze dragonborn.
  • Agnis – The red clade’s domain rises from the waves, sulphurous black smoke drifting above sheer, black cliffs and peaks.
  • Iraea – Storms swirl around the peaks of the blue dragonborn island, and the land is barren and blasted.
  • Nicifa – The island of the black dragonborn is a morass of swamps and cavern-pitted rocks. Dark mists and clouds of stinging insects hang around the ground.
  • Verdigris – The dense forests of the green clade’s island make it one of the most welcoming of the chromatic domains.
  • Glaucis – The icy, windswept shores of the white dragonborn island are studded with razor-sharp rocks and shrouded in freezing fog.
The lizardfolk of Ladonia call themselves Coldfolk – the dragonborn are hotfolk, as are mammalian races – and occupy a lowly position in the archipelago’s society. They are subordinate to the meanest of dragonborn, but enjoy a status born of utility, having the numbers, and the generations of experience, to undertake vital infrastructure tasks that the dragonborn have long-since forgotten how to perform. Their numbers grow much faster than those of the dragonborn, and a steady stream of coldfolk leave the islands to join the travelling clutches in Caino or Yethera, or to seek their fortunes in the Scaled Kingdoms of Suto.   There is also a sizable population of ‘warmfolk’; impure dragonborn with lizardfolk blood, or lizardfolk with slight draconic traits.


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