Nome of the Crashing Rocks Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Crashing Rocks

The shores around the Maw are a haven for those who seek to avoid authority and who know its secrets, and a treasure trove for those with the patience to wait for others to fall foul of its perils. It was these unsavoury types who established the Fortress of the Clashing Rocks, a pirate town that became a city and then a self-proclaimed duchy, finally achieving some level of respectability when the Duke signed the Treaty of Blessed Concordance to join The Elysian Federation in CY31.11.   While the Dukes and their court are proper aristocrats now, they remember their roots, and the nome remains a haven for the pirates and wreckers who are persecuted in so many of the other coastal nomes.   Under the Duke, the electors of the nome are the Secretaries of the Interior – responsible for farming – the Exterior – responsible for the military – and Trade, the Admiral of the Free Armada – a representative chosen by the acknowledged and state-accredited privateers of the nome – the high priests of Shosan – goddess of trade and fair winds – and Josen – goddess of endeavour and foul weather – and the Boatswain, a largely honorary appointment given to the longest-serving sailor in the ducal fleet who holds no officer’s warrant.
Geopolitical, Province


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