Nome of the Great Canyon Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Great Canyon

The Great Canyon is the largest and most northerly of a series of such canyons, radiating out from the border of Elysium. The river Earthblood cuts along the base of the Canyon, and the broad floor is fertile and lush. The 3rd Nome of The Blessed Concordance was formed from the earth genasi kingdoms of Oltima and Umega, which was built along and within the canyon.   The palaces and temples of the Oltimi and their rival dynasties were traditionally built into the sacred stone of the canyon walls – the Oltimi and their allies in the north face, their rivals, led by the Umegi dynasty, in the south – with military strength clustered at the top of the canyons, and pastoral activity on the canyon floor. To this day, the canyon walls house high status dwellings, including the temples of the cliff cities. It was with the promise of equal status that the Oltimi and the Umegi agreed to the formation of the single nome.   Perhaps the promise was kept, for the Nomarchy is currently held by the Acadi, something of an upstart dynasty descended from pastoral workers on the canyon floor, who displaced the feuding dynasties of the wall cities a few centuries ago. The Acadi are a Dwarvern dynasty, and have revolutionised many of the Nome’s industrial processes, leading to massive urban development both on and in the cliffs. The Oltimi and Umegi are still influential, and their Elven and Human kin remain the majority population.   The electors of the nome are the heads of the old families – the Oltimi and the Umegi, as well as the Feiroth (elf) and Galii (human, fire genasi) – and the governor, chief primarch and chief mechanist of the capital city of Ascent.
Geopolitical, Province


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