Nome of the Open Sky Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Open Sky

The northernmost domain of the earth Genasi lies in the open plains south of the Free Moblands. The Kingdom of the Open Sky was always a bit of an anomaly, ruled by a dynasty of Minotaur-blooded earth Genasi, somewhat ostracised from their kin on both sides – minotaurs considered them weak, other genasi saw them as crude – and thus fiercely independent. The Kingdom was a part of the Free Moblands until less than two centuries ago, when a famine struck their lands and forced them to accept the aid of The Elysian Federation, signing the treaty in CY38.8.   The nome is ruled by the hereditary king of the Dustwalker line, supported by a court of officials, many of whom – including the Lord Chancellor, Lord Chamberlain, Lord Marshall and Primarch of the Archon, all of whom are electors – also hold their positions by inheritance. The other electors are the First Stormspeaker, Master of the Hunt and Warden of the Bounds.
Geopolitical, Province


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