Nome of the Rain's Falling Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Rain's Falling

East of the Deeping Damp lay the rainforest domains of the Preeit Reekik, a collective of earth Genasi of Smoothfolk extraction, all claiming descent from the seven children of the Dao Lord Reekik (Arakeen in Primordial.) They eschewed the monarchal societies of their genasi and smoothfolk kin, instead favouring a system of public democracy, with decisions taken communally in the town forums, and officers appointed to provide focused leadership in areas of crisis.   By the time of their entry into The Elysian Federation in CY9.1, the Preeit Reekik occupied five small cities, each with its own, elected Kai-kek (first citizen.) This basic system has survived to this day, albeit with variations brought by other genasi dynasties, and the five Kai-kek are electors of the nome, alongside the ur-Shaman of the Rain’s Falling and the Primarch of the Archon, who steer a careful course between the traditional religions of the two sides of their heritage.   The nomarch of the Deeping Damp, the Kai-Reekit, is elected by the good citizens of the nome, defined as any person resident in the nome, and owning land there above a particular threshhold.
Geopolitical, Province


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