Nome of the Rolling Thunder Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Rolling Thunder

The last additions to The Elysian Federation were on the northern extent, and mark the limit of expansion into the Free Moblands. Of these, the moblands of the Thunderstep Dynasty represent one of the most notable successes of the Federation’s diplomatic advance, managing to persuade a hughly traditional, Minotaur warrior dynasty to embrace the detailed legal codes of the Blessed Concordance in CY38.2.   The dynasties and alliances of the Nome of Rolling Thunder long ago abandoned their ancestral names for aspirational ones – Amity, Stalwart, Impregnable and Deliberation – and their circle cities have piece by piece replaced their traditional wood and sandstone architecture with mountain stone. The Loxodon who once advised the Thunder Lords have instead become the heart of a corps of magistrates and jurists who have transformed minotaur customs into formal legal codes.   Lord Amity rules as King and nomarch, with the Lords of the other three dynasties serving as electors, as well as part of the legislative Council of Thunder. The Stormspeaker and Earthspeaker of Amity are also electors, as is the High Magister of the legal caste.
Geopolitical, Province

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