Nome of the Steaming Seas Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Steaming Seas

The southern coasts of the horn and the bay were among the last areas to be brought into The Elysian Federation, in part because their maritime location and the buffer of the Jagged Teeth meant that they were always economically independent, and had little need of the alliance to protect them from the Legion-Regime War.   The Kingdom of the Steaming Seas lay on the coast to the south of the horn, where the heat of the Coronal Sea and the warm currents from the north result in regular, warm fogs which cling to the coastal rain forest. Emerging from feudalism under the influence of powerful earth Genasi dynasties, the old aristocracy was displaced after the end of the war by a rising water genasi mercantile class. It retains some of the old structures, but it was the merchant dynasties who ruled when the region became the 21st Nome in CY27.16, and who rule still.   The nomarch holds the title of Prince, and is the elected head of the Chamber of Gold, a council composed of the heads of the largest merchant houses. The Chamber of Gold is the executive body of the nome, while legislative duties fall to the Chamber of Silver, a larger council composed of all merchants whose personal holdings exceed a threshold set annually by the Chamber itself. The Chamber of Silver is also responsible for assessing the wealth of the merchant houses to determine the constitution of the Chamber of Gold, and the election of the Prince from that body.   The electors of the nome are the four chamberlains, whose duties otherwise consist of ordering the business of the Chambers of Gold, Silver, Iron (the nominal military command) and Stone (the union of artisans and artificers), the Primarch of the Builder, the Master of the Fleet (chief shipwright of the nome’s naval forces) and the Antique Chancellor (representative of the old, earth genasi aristocracy.)
Geopolitical, Province


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