Orosa Settlement in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Orosa, city of the golden rose and former capital of the Kingdom of Oros, is a jewel in the lowlands to the east of the Skystone Peaks. The walls of its high quarter gleam with a rosy light as the sun reflects from the quartz which gives the city its name, their masonry entirely flawless thanks to the efforts of genasi, sorcerers and dao.   The city below the high quarter is built primarily of pale orange brick, fired to a gloss to imitate the finish of the quartz towers.   While beautiful, the city is riven by inequality, with the wealth overwhelmingly focused in the high quarter. The division is not as great as it is in some other cities, in part thanks to recent efforts by the high quarter to recognise and rectify their privilege. The city's legislative council have recently pressed through laws against 'grace' pricing, the practice of high quarter residents using their status and the threat of legal action to coerce reduced and often below-cost prices from merchants.


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