Nome of the Blessed Concordance Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Blessed Concordance

After the fall of the Regime and the Legion, the alliance of kingdoms which had resisted the advance of both groups into Caino dissolved into internecine conflict. The Orosi Dynasty was a line of humans and earth genasi, and one of the dominant factions in an alliance called the Triarchy. Oros was the smallest of the three kingdoms, but its high, defensible terrain gave it considerable strength and it served as a bulwark against the orcs of the Storm's Eye to the east.   It was the Orosi who brought together the leaders of the Triarchy, their former enemies in the Storm’s Eye, the elves of the High Seats and the neighbouring Genasi territories to sign the treaty which became known as the Blessed Concordance. It was also the Orosi who built the city of Concordia, with its great temple of the Foundation, to house the capitol of the newly created state (later known as The Elysian Federation.)   The former kingdom of Oros became the Nome of the Blessed Concordance, 1st Nome of the Federation. The Orosi Dynasty still rules the nome from their old capital of Orosa, the City of the Golden Rose. Like many genasi dynasties, succession in the family favours those who present a true genasi heritage, and they are a notably strong line, with many Orosi pursuing relationships with Elysian Dao to keep the line strong, as well as intermarrying widely with other earth genasi dynasties. The other electors of the 1st Nome are the Primarchs of the Archon and the Priest, the Governor of Concordia, the Crown Prince of Orosa, and the heads of the leading genasi dynasties; at present the Maasi (earth genasi), Ordin (earth genasi) and Talos (fire genasi).
Geopolitical, Province

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