Rare Substances Material in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Rare Substances

Aiaos is rich in minerals of all sorts, many of which are valued for their strength, beauty or utility. A handful of substances, either natural or processed, are especially rare and valued, if not so much as Imperishable Substances.   ADAMANTITE is a dark, dull metal, very hard, but extremely brittle. It has limited uses in itself, but is valued for its inclusion in the alloy adamantine. Both are named after Adamant the imperishable diamond of The Firmament.   MITHRIM is a bright, silvery metal, very light and easily worked. It has no intrinsic virtue as a material, but absorbs and amplifies the virtues of materials it is alloyed with.   TITAN IRON is arguably an alloy, but no modern smith seems to know what the Titans worked into the metal. Save for its extraordinary resilience and hardness, it acts like any other alloy, and can be melted and alloyed as they can, but at a much higher temperature than any other known metal. It is a finite resource, scavenged from the wreckage of titanic dwellings and technology and mostly controlled by the fire Giants.   ARCANITE is a crystal that forms around places of high magical flux. It contains significant power that can be tapped by Magic users and is especially useful in ensorcelling items. Natural arcanite is rare now, but experimentation in draw­ing out the potential of the fiery stones was a key in the primitive development of magic.   ARCANE FLUX is a rave condensate of magical energy. It can form naturally around arcanite deposits prior to crystallisation, but is also produced artificially. The process inevitably produces leakage, creating a saturation of arcane power which can make spell- work extremely hazardous. Flux is an iridescent liquid that sublimes easing into a gas, and can be forced to condense into artificial arcanite under pressure.   VOIDSPAR in a dangerous accumulation of Void energy in a crystalline form. It can be used as an crease power source, but to do so is highly dangerous and damaging to the very fabric of reality. Like arcanite, voidspar crystals act as a condensing point for further void energy, which forms as an oily fluid called VOID BILE before crystallising. Both forms are dark, but have no identifiable colour.   VILE AMBER is not a natural material, but a clear, resinous deposit used in aberrant construction. Like voidspar, it seems to be an accretion of void energy, but one created by aberrant biology.   VILE NACRE is a hard, brittle substance which forms the shells of the nautiloid warships used by the outerforth.   PSYCHONITE is a pearlescent substance created by Outerfolk mental powers. They use this substance to create items charged with psychic energy.


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