Imperishable Substances Material in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Imperishable Substances

Since the coming of the Colossi to the World, all things in Aiaos have been finite, destined to decay and corrode. The only exceptions are the truly Divine and the nine imperish­able substances which form the Nine Pillars of Aiaos.   Why these nine materials are exempt from corrosion is a subject of considerable academic and theological debate, but the favoured theory is simply that The Primeval Gods made them that way because the foundations of the world had to be.  
  • Azoth – Divine or liquid fire; a quicksilver substance which contains boundless energy and defies gravity as a result.
  • Orichalcum – Celestial bronze is a rosy-gold metal which is so resistant to corrosion that its touch banishes rot, rust and tarnish of all kinds.
  • Siderite – Rustless iron is a black metal of incredible hardness and significant weight. It can absorb almost any amount of heat without itself heating.
  • Selenite – Moon silver is a nearly white metal of astonishing purity. Its touch destroys all forms of poison and curses.
  • Lyngurium – Cat’s amber is a translucent, yellowish stone which can grant flawless perception and be used to create cures for most diseases.
  • Yliaster – The prime material is a silvery crystal which is possessed of a soul. It is vital to The Creation of sentient artefacts and is in demand even by the standards of the Nine.
  • Lapis Exilis – Sky stone is an opalescent, indigo stone which shows no sign of degradation, even over aeons. It acts as a conduit and amplifier of both divine and arcane Magic.
  • Adamant – The diamond of The Firmament is a white gem. It is nearly indestructible, and can even be used to scratch or cut other imperishable substances. It is the most difficult of the nine to harvest, but makes gathering any of the others much easier.
  • Apeiron – The boundless potential is a material whose properties can not easily be judged. It is of a black so absolute that it swallows all light.
Substance Common Name Pillar Quality Use in Magic
Azoth Divine Fire Valorous Strength Transmutation
Orichalcum Celestial Bronze Vigilant Wisdom Abjuration
Siderite Rustless Iron Redoubt Unity Necromancy
Selenite Moon Silver Relentless Order Enchantment
Lyngurium Cat's Amber Enduring Courage Divination
Yliaster Prime Material Aspiring Hope Conjuration
Lapis Exilis Sky Stone Redeeming Mercy Evocation
Adamant Diamond of the Firmament Bastion Ambition Illusion
Apeirion Boundless Potential Equipoise Beauty Any


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