The Creation Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The Creation

The First Age

  In the timeless before, there was the Void, which was everything and nothing.   Then came The Primeval Gods, who saw the nothing and everything it could be. They were four and they moved within the Void. They gathered the matter of the Void, purified it, and forged from it the Divine Twins, Soraes and Doraes.   Radiant with divine power, the Twins pushed back the wildness of the Void, and in the stillness they created the Primeval Gods acted.   First was Un, who sang in the Void and made The Firmament, and filled it with air and music.   Second was Una, who danced nine steps within the Firmament. At each step, a Pillar was driven into the Void, and earth spread between them.   Third was Muna, who wept for the beauty of what was and what was not, and filled the footsteps of Una with salt tears.   Fourth was Amuna, took sparks from the Twins to kindle life within the new world.   The four Primeval Gods - whether they were four beings, or four aspects of a single divine eminence, or if that distinction had any meaning - then withdrew, back into the Void, for although they had separated their creation from the Void, they were still of the Void and could not exist alongside their creation. Aiaos was created to exist in a state of perpetual harmony, a perfect, cosmic machine. Why the gods made it that way, no-one is sure. Some say for pride, others attribute it to some larger design, but regardless of the reason, the upshot was that the World could bear the presence of nothing from outside itself.   To complete the process of creation and maintain the Harmony of Aiaos, the Primeval Gods caused the power of the Divine Twins to bring forth the Old Gods from the elements of the World. They themselves, in one last divine act, created the Primordial Dragons to be the protectors of Aiaos.   All of these things happened before they was time, and so all of them happened, but not necessarily in this, or any, order.  

The Second Age

  While the Dragons stood as protectors of the new world, the Old Gods husbanded the resources of Aiaos. They shaped the land and the sea and the sky, fashioned the sun and moon to bear the divine essences of Soraes and Doraes, and brought forth subtle flame to fill the skies with stars. From the incorruptible matter of the world they wrought the Pillars of Aiaos to support it above the pit of The Abyss, through which all in time flowed back into the Void once more. They fashioned the great continent of Atharis and laid the seas around it on three sides. Life spread and grew in complexity, plant and animal species emerging.   Knowing that their direct touch might overwhelm the harmony of this perfect world, the Old Gods brought forth the Titans, children of the elements, to be their hands and eyes upon the material plane; to work the land that they had made and fish the seas that they had populated. Yet even the Titans were too vast to walk in safety on the ground, and so they created the vast cloud cities of the empire of Titanis, the first civilisation of Aiaos, and smaller beings to do their work upon the surface: the Eladrin to be the hands, and the Featherfolk to be their messengers.   The world that they made was perfect in its harmony, without want or strife, and the strength of the Old Gods was in the very bones and breath and blood of the world.   In Ladon, at the heart of Atharis, the Primordial Dragons made their home, and from their own flesh fashioned their children, the Elder Wyrms, to be their warriors should the need arise to defend the world. That need arose sooner than they might have expected, however, for the light of creation drew the gaze of unwelcome visitors.


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