Web of Fate Physical / Metaphysical Law in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Web of Fate

Around the World and the Elemental Planes stretches the Web of Fate, a scintillating veil created from the death throes of Tempus, greatest of the Primordial Dragons, separating the outer planes from the inner. Beyond lies the AstraThe Firmament and The Abyss.   The Web contains the essence of the surviving Primordials – Malcidis, Rage of Heaven; Hrabram, the Scales of Justice; and Tropos, the Shadow of Death – and forms a barrier which enforces the non-interference policy enacted by the Young Gods after the Cataclysm. The Web is maintained by the tension between the equal and opposing powers of Hrabram and Malcidis, which also prevents them coming into direct conflict. It is a near-total barrier, but porous, allowing none of the greater powers of existence to pass, but permitting passage by mortals and lesser beings. Below the world, Tropos gnaws at the boundary, seeking to release Malcidis, and sometimes even the greater fiends of the Abyss can come through.


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