Astra Geographic Location in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The Astra surrounds and interprenetrates Existence, even beyond the Elemental Boundary. As the Aether provides passage between the inner planes, so the Astra connects the outer planes. That part of the Astra between the inner planes and The Firmament is bright and airy, that bordering The Abyss is dark and uncomfortably close. It is theorised that the Astra may continue beyond the Worldskin, and that this hypothetical 'astral sea' would be a means of travelling between worlds.   The Astra is a realm of even less substance than the Aether, a domain of pure thought. Most mortals can enter the Astra in their dreams, even without training, A physical transition is much rarer, and in different ways both easier and much more dangerous. Within the Astra, thought becomes reality, and some speculate that the Astra is the true home of the fae wolds and cenotaphs.   Bold explorers have long sought a means of travelling the Astra to the heavens and beyond, but the limits of the Web of Fate and the Voidskin still hold some sway. The Astra is much less barren and less safe than the Aether, being home to creatures great and small, as well as potential perils ripped from the mind of a careless traveller. Anywhere intelligent beings approach or enter the Astra, the firefly-like pilights cluster, while deep in the Astra swim predators many times the size of the largest dragons.
Dimensional plane


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