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Gloriana: Mistress of Battle

Militant in her quest to destroy Chaos, Gloriana is a lesser deity of Law, and Warfare. She is known to wield an exquisite Magical Long sword that rivals Druendel himself, and reports of her faithful followers having such a sword appear in their hands as they enter an outmatched battle against Chaos, and powerful evil beings. Gloriana is the judge of those worthy to enter the great fields.   She is depicted as a beautiful woman in full polished plate with long red hair spilling from beneath her helm.   Her clerics favor full metal armor, and though they can use any weapon to deal with Evil, and Chaos most prefer having a LongSword at hand. They favor their patron and seek to eliminate chaos, and evil from the land, and are found where any lawful combat is to be had. Paladins and a great number of Lawful warriors pray to Gloriana, and it is not unheard of to see them defy their lords if the battle turns unjust. As woe be the Warrior that continues in a wanton Massacre, and has Gloriana turn against their cause.   Gloriana upholds the law, rewards and aids the just, and protects the willing, and the helpless.
Lawful Neutral
Law, Warfare


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