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Aikenville, Colorado is a fictitious town intentionally created in an ambiguous area of Colorado.
This article is a WIP and will undergo editing, expansion, and other modifications prior to the publication of the book series it is being created for - and will be modified to show population change/growth over the course of the book series.


The demographics of the town of Aikenville have changed as the city has grown. At its first establishment it wasn't even quite a town, merely an area where multiple tracts of land acquired through the Homestead Act of 1862 came together. The original population included the Aiken brothers, Jerome and Dwight, Leon Eaton and his family, and the three cowboys who brought the first cattle to the area.

Industry & Trade

Aikenville began as a means of suppling miners passing through with meat, both fresh and in the form of dried jerky.
Before the arrival of the Aiken brothers, Leon Eaton established a good business of breeding and raising horses. Using stock tamed from the wild herds, Leon was able to make a name for himself with a sturdy, dependable type of horse that was both friendly and brave. He made money selling horses to the Union Army during the War Between the States, but since the conclusion of the war his business has diminished. He continues to breed and train horses that can be ridden by miners wanting a mount, and that can pull wagons for them. Unfortunately, not many miners passing through can afford a horse.


A road passes through the town. It is a rough dirt track, but it has been used by many over the years to travel from the town of Depot, where the trains stop, to the mountains where gold, silver, and other precious materials can be found.

Natural Resources

The creek that passes through the area supplies water for farming, though drinking water is drawn from wells. No gold has ever been found in the creek, but the nearby mountains are filled with many precious minerals, including gold and silver.

Founding Date
10 (1870)
Characters in Location


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