Ailia (placeholder name) History of Ailia Timeline
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History of Ailia

The most important events shaping the overall history of the world.

The First Age

0 2000

From the beginning of the world history to the fall of Vesrad.

  • 1999 FA

    The Fall of Vesrad
    Disaster / Destruction

    Vesrad, which had been the most powerful kingdom for centuries, brought about their own demise by going too far with their pursuit of strange, unusual magical forces. Vesrad’s top mages ended up becoming corrupted by the mysterious forces they were messing with and eventually began attacking and conquering their neighbors. The other kingdoms at the time barely had the power to oppose Vesrad and it seemed in the long run all efforts to stop them were doomed to fail.   But then, at one point, something or someone(s) in Vesrad had some kind of accident that caused a massive magic-induced catastrophe that destroyed the entirety of Vesrad’s lands and rendered them practically uninhabitable, even to this day. None of Vesrad’s mages have been seen or heard from since, though no one can say for certain what exactly happened to them.

    Additional timelines
  • 2000 FA

    The end of the First Age and beginning of the Second Age
    Era beginning/end

    With Vesrad gone, the world order was completely reshaped. The other kingdoms that had been second to Vesrad now had the chance to assert their power as the new primary influence in the world.

The Second Age

2000 5000

From the fall of Vesrad to present.

  • 2000 SA

    The end of the First Age and beginning of the Second Age
    Era beginning/end

    With Vesrad gone, the world order was completely reshaped. The other kingdoms that had been second to Vesrad now had the chance to assert their power as the new primary influence in the world.

  • 2058 SA

    Kima's Downfall
    Military: Battle

    Akira, Kytheus, and Calyria joined forces to defeat their former party member, but the battle was close, and they ended up greatly weakened as a result. Each of them then left the material plane for various other destinations where they could recover, but they haven't been seen since.

    Additional timelines
  • 2482 SA

    Empress Raelle de Vienne ascends to the throne of Velis
    Political event
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  • 2494 SA

    Aisha Augustine appears in Astotha
    Life, Milestone

    A mysterious warlock shows up one day in Astotha's capital.

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  • 2500 SA

    The campaign begins! (More or less)

    More or less when the PCs start getting to influence the future timeline.