Semi-Automated Tenala Outpost

The Semi-Automated Tenala Outpost, sometimes SATO for short, commonly referred to as New Tenala, is a near-surface settlement rebuilt by Omegatech over the older ruins of Tenala, a habitat destroyed during the Expropriation Riots.   Omegatech Corporation rebuilt New Tenala to gain access to the nearby lithium mines, guaranteeing them an important resource for fusion reactor experiments. While the founding of New Tenala restored lithium availability at former levels, it made the political relations with Mako-Kinda, the only other lithium exporter, tenser.   Contrary to most habitats, New Tanala is located just below the surface. Its positioning requires both better insulation and more powerful heating plants. To offset the energy required to run the settlement, Omegatech opted for a very small city exploiting robots and automated processes for lithium extraction and refinement.


New Tenala is smaller than the older settlement, hosting a hundred times fewer people than the average modern habitat. Only a part of Old Tenala was restored, with modernised vital facilities, while the rest was isolated and converted to automated storage.   With the possibility of building a habitat from scratch with current technology, Omegatech heavily automated the lithium harvesting process. Humans cannot even access the entire mining, storing and part of shipping districts without surface-level equipment. Specialised robots take care of extracting lithium, moving it around in the relevant places during refinement and storing it. The only human presence in the whole process is the cargo piloting.   Most of the population comprises engineers for robots and automated plant maintenance and researchers studying in the local laboratories.   According to a recent census, robots in New Tenala outnumber humans ten to one. Some journalists are trying to raise awareness of this demographic gap, given the recent robotic incidents Omegatech would be trying to hide from the press.


Since people of Mako-Kinda saw the rebuild of Tenala as an economic attack and threatened their commercial partners to not buy lithium from Omegatech, the corporation deemed necessary to add a specialised state-of-the-art surface defence district. It features anti-missile and anti-aircrafts facilities and heavy blast doors at the entrance. Over time, security restrictions slowly softened. Nowadays, the district is maintained as any other ordinary defence facility.
Founding Date
12390, partial reconstruction of older ruins
Alternative Name(s)
SATO, New Tenala
5430, excluding robots
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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