The largest continent, the north half of which is lush with forests, grassland, lakes, and rivers that pool into a basin that becomes the lake surrounding Inassea. The continent is divided by The Draycona Mountains, to the other side of which are The Eastern Flats.
Geography: Divided by the Draycona Mountains, the southern region is an arid desert starved of rainfall. Meanwhile, the northern region enjoys plentiful rain and fertile lands, fed by clouds that accumulate along the mountain ridge.
Auclon’s Economy & Trade:
While airships come and go, local shipping through rivers and the coastline is essential for economic stability of the northern half. Sezani’s airships provide access to goods that northern Auclon cannot produce due to climate. The southern desert regions are home to scarce but valuable resources, such as enchanted minerals and rare herbs, which make Auclon a key player in the global economy despite its isolation. The only ways through the dense and treacherous mountain range is though the paths dug by ancient dwarves, or to fly over, which has a high chance of dragon attacks.
Cycle: 26 years
Path: A slow rotation across the equator.
Alignment Point: Over the open Ocean.