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The Abyss

The Abyss, a realm suspended between the splendors of the Rimland above and the mysteries of the Core below, is a multifaceted layer that defies conventional boundaries. Divided into the Cloud Layer and the Lower Islands, the Abyss presents both challenges and opportunities to those who dare to venture into its enigmatic depths.  

The Lower Islands

Above the Cloud Layer lies the realm of the Lower Islands, a collection of landmasses suspended in the Abyss, the layer under the Rimland. The islands sometimes float flush with the cloud layer and sometimes hover just beneath a mountainous floating continent. These islands vary in size and terrain, with some being lush and fertile while others are harsh and desolate. All of the islands are reasonably small in comparison to the Rimland. Civilization within the Lower Islands is rare and often isolated, given the challenges of transportation and communication. However, those who inhabit these islands have developed unique ways of life that adapt to the Abyss's unconventional environment.  

Isolated Realms

The Lower Islands contain a patchwork of isolated communities, each with their own way of life shaped by the unique challenges of the Abyss. Some islands are rich in resources, fostering self-sufficiency, while others rely on trade and cooperation to thrive. Those who choose to inhabit the Lower Islands are often individuals who value solitude, exploration, and the allure of charting their own course amid the enigmatic depths of the Abyss.  

The Cloud Layer

A veil of dense, swirling clouds blankets the lower portion of the Abyss, forming the Cloud Layer. It is a realm of constant motion, where ever-shifting currents and tempestuous winds create an intricate and bewildering labyrinth. The density of the clouds often obstructs visibility and complicates navigation, posing a significant challenge for airship travel between the Breaches and the Rimland. Those who brave the Cloud Layer must possess deep knowledge of its unpredictable patterns, making skilled navigators highly sought after.   Navigational Experts Navigators who dedicate their lives to understanding the intricate dance of the Cloud Layer hold a respected position in society. These individuals possess a rare mastery over the skies, capable of guiding airships through the chaotic currents and hidden paths that crisscross the Cloud Layer. Their expertise is essential for ensuring safe passage and reducing the risks associated with traversing this challenging region.


**Aetherreach's Legacy:** Long ago, the Ancient Enarians thrived within the Lower Islands, particularly in the realm known as Aetherreach. The ruins of this advanced civilization still echo with the traces of their mastery over elemental magic and innovation. Though much of their knowledge has been lost, the remnants of Aetherreach serve as a reminder of the potential that once flourished in the heart of the Abyss.

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