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The exterior of the mansion presents a façade of opulence, adorned with intricate architectural details that catch the eye. It stands as a symbol of the Aguri family's ascent from humble beginnings to a position of prominence in Mienica. The opulent exterior masks the clandestine activities that unfold within, creating an intriguing contrast.   Yet, as one steps through the doors and delves into the heart of the Eclipse, a deliberate preservation of the original bar harkens back to the establishment's modest roots. It serves as a poignant reminder of the journey undertaken by the Aguri family. Amidst the grandeur and refinement that now defines the Eclipse, the unaltered core remains untouched, a sacred space preserving the memory of where they began.   The original bar, weathered and worn, tells a story of resilience and ambition. It stands as a testament to the Aguri family's ability to evolve and adapt while keeping sight of their origins. This juxtaposition creates a unique atmosphere within the Eclipse, a place where the past coexists harmoniously with the present, allowing the family to appreciate the rich tapestry of the establishment's history. The Aguris have embraced their roots, allowing the unchanging core to symbolize both their humble beginnings and the strength of their enduring legacy.
Mansion / Villa


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