Alette Bannerson Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Alette Bannerson

A reasonably skilled hunter for her age, having been trained by her ranger father, Rook Bannerson, Alette was raised to be around the woods, hunting elk and deer for her town of Frandenyre. She also kept poachers and bandits from getting too close to the village, when she was close to reaching her adulthood, being an apprentice to her father, earning a reputation as a kind-hearted, young woman while also maintaining the local renown of a talented archer. This changed; however, after the massacre at Frandenyre, causing her to go missing after the event, her body not being recovered by local authorities a few days afterwards.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Life Without a Mother

Rook and is wife, Aldis, had a difficult relationship, with the former wanting to settle down in Frandenyre while the latter wished to see more of the world. They tried to start a family together, with Aldis hoping her wanderlust would fade after the birth of her daughter, but it did not. She wanted to leave the town, to travel the world as a family; however, Rook warned her about how difficult it was to get this far, and that a life travelling around the world was to dangerous for an infant. Aldis wanted to leave anyways, being told by Rook that, if she did so, abandoning her daughter, she would have nothing to do with her ever again, and would have to get a divorce with him. Despite this, she left anyways, leaving Rook to raise Alette alone.  

Raised as a Hunter

In spite of her age, Rook always wanted Alette to be self sufficient, to do what she always wanted to, to not have to rely on others for her aspirations. He was always honest with Alette about her mother, and the respect that he gained from the town as a local hero, feeding them in times of hardship with his hunting ability, made the daughter idolise the father, wanting to do what he did. Taking pride in this, Rook took Alette's education into his own hands, training her to do what he does, soon realising that she was actually far more talented than he was, eventually making up for shortcomings that came with age when she got to her adolescence.  

Forced from Home

After suffering an injury, Alette and her father would meet Locke and Dramas Veranda, who helped heal her, allowing her to make it back home. Despite saving her from an injury that could have become something truly debilitating, she did not quite trust either of them, likely due to Dramas' menacing appearance. She would be proved from later, when they attempted to save the town from the yuan-ti, but were unable to prevent its destruction, causing Alette to be captured while her father, whom she prayed would survive the massacre, was slain.
Date of Birth
23rd of Olarion
Year of Birth
463 ADE 19 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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