Frandenyre Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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Known for its expansive graveyard, despite the relatively small size of the town, Fradenyre is known as the warrior's rest, where many of the fallen soldiers, who's bodies are brought back and unable to be buried in Kitzstadt's catacombs, being buried here. Because of this, many of the stores and hospitality based buildings are named so that they are themed with the graveyard. The town itself is the first outside of Kitzstadt, along the King's Road to Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings, and is a noted stopping point for many adventures leaving the capital.   The town itself, other than the graveyard, is largely unremarkable, with most of it being split by the large, main road running through it. Because of it being a popular pit stop for travellers, there are many stables for horses and the tavern is perhaps the largest building in the town. The town itself is not as well as off as many of the cities in Alderhardt, but is relatively well made and affluent.   Fradenyre is also known for being under siege by the necromancer Allohaust, who raised many of the dead in the town so that he could later raise an army capable of taking larger settlements. Before he could complete his plans, he was slain by The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt, but was able to kill one of their members, Uther Artax. Now a statue can be seen in the graveyard of the goliath paladin to remember the hero that gave his life for the town.
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