Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Realms of Hell Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Realms of Hell

Hell, one of the upper planes of the Underworld, is ruled by Asmodeus, the first of the devils, but the remaining realms are split into nine differing realms, ruled by those who Asmodeus trusts. Once a celestial general that had acted as the goddess Afrid, the Goddess of Life right hand, Asmodeus fell after challenging his leader's vision for the world, stating that the souls of the dammed should be forced into servitude as punishment. After the despite turned into an all out war, Asmodeus was banished from Elysium, but was too powerful to fully descend into the Banished Vale, instead building up the upper planes of the Underworld with his fellow fallen celestials, forming the Rulers of the Nine Realms of Hell as they are known now.   Asmodeus now rules Hell in its entirety, but is specifically Lord of Limbo, the central Realm of the Nine Hells. It is the closest of the Realms to the Material realm, with many castles, towers and such, with the sky being replaced with the light of the many souls that descend past Hell into the Banished Vale. It is the smallest of the realms, yet holds most of the magically power in the Realms, due to it being Asmodeus' seat of power.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Appearing as a humanoid devil, far taller than the average human, Asmodeus is dressed in long, crimson robes that flow unnaturally behind him. Atop his head is a crown of our horns protruding from the top of his elongated skull. His eyes glow a deep red, and he seems to be constantly surrounded by a scarlet auram that flickers off his body as though he is was being set on fire by a translucent flame.

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