Duarr Character in Aither | World Anvil
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The Azure Owl

"To lose a deal, like the one that we had with your dear, departed King, that is the true loss. I care not for the murder, only that the contract we had made was broken." - Duarr
A rare aarakocra, with owl like features, Duarr is at the very head of the international crime organisation The Azure Owls. Noted for being from a very long line of aarakocra, who run the organisation, Duarr is a well respected figure, treated like a King in the circles of criminals, much like his father and his father before him. Ruthless when required and surprisingly charismatic when interacting with the more well off contributes to the crime organisation's archive of controversial information. Dangerous, cunning, and more than deserving of his unofficial title as the King of Crime, Duarr is certainly a man you want as an ally rather than an enemy.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Tall for an aarakocra, Duarr is an imposing individual, with deep orange eyes that radiate dangerous, yet calculating energy. Often wearing robes of silk to demonstrate his wealth, Duarr is not one to let himself come across as over reliant on his employees, often brandishing blades at his side and keeping himself in shape, should he ever need to get his talons dirty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From the moment he was born, Duarr was raised harshly to understand the world of crime, molding him to the perfect heir to his father, the Azure Owl before him. When he took charge after his father's retirement, many expected him to be inadequate. He was young, and many believed him to be spoiled, due to the life of luxury he lived, but none, bar his father, expected the ruthless and efficient change he brought to the Azure Owl gang. They were already powerful; however, in but a few years, Duarr transformed the organisation to a true political power in The Continent, using the wars to his advantage, and deeply embedding their influence into the politics of the land.
Date of Birth
37th of Lyntel
Year of Birth
455 ADE 27 Years old
Deep Orange
Brown (feathered)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown (feathered)

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