The Azure Owls Organization in Aither | World Anvil
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The Azure Owls

One of the most prominent organised crime gangs on the continent, The Azure Owls are based in the city of Kitzstadt, the capital of Alderhardt, and are known for their ability as spies and gathers of intelligence, rather than smuggling of goods. Because of this, many nobles come to the Owls if they require information to blackmail other nobles, or if military officers require information on an enemy and require the international services of the Owls.   Due to wanting to keep the organisation's information as secret as possible, so that it can be sold, the Azure Owls often make use of assassins, killing whistle blowers that may leak information or other sources that may give away their source of income. Because of their international influence, as well as the shear size of the organisation, the Azure Owls have made use great deal of profit from the many wars the are taking place in the land, playing many sides by trading information. Although this is well known to the royalty and upper nobility of these countries, little can be done against the Owls, as the information they provide is far too valuable.   The Azure Owls are based in Kitzstadt mainly, as their head quarters, but as operate in:   -Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings   -Kronburg   -Strale   -Dunport   -Valenrouse   -Athemore   -Pruva   -Concidorne   -Ostium   -Zafeíri   -The Kathoid Range   -Earthelm   Although they are not as feared as some other gangs, The Azure Owls are likely the most well spread of the gangs, covering a large number of cities on The Continent.   In order to better protect their own, The Azure Owls give their assassins porcelain owl masks, denoting them as members of the gang, but ensuring their identity remains secret. Because the assassins are less well protected than the rest of the gang, with many assassins having to lay down their life so that a high profile target can be taken care of, they are also given code names, with many essentially vanishing when they are inducted.   Despite being an organised crime gang, the Azure Owls are deeply embedded into the Continent, to the point where many of their members have a deep seeded loyalty to the gang. Because of this, there are many nobles, lords and earls as a part of the gang, that aid in providing information that can later be sold, making it near impossible to remove them from many societies.
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
The Owls
Notable Members

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