Character Ancestry

Article Summary

This article takes you through why Akadimía uses Ancestries over standard D&D 5e character races, how ancestries affect bloodlines, as well as the mechanics and options available.


Race versus Ancestry

Dungeons & Dragons has long had a complicated history with "race" being either overtly or subtly racist. The connotations of the color of one's skin, or the blanket ability bonuses based on race.  

Ancestry and Bloodlines

The Akadimía setting aims for a subtler approach, where you are humanoid, but your ancestors may have been one of the native races of Zihæt. Thus, characters begin by choosing their dominant ancestry, which in turn determines access to some dominant and recessive traits. On the world of Zihæt, the presence or absence of these traits within a family are colloquially known as bloodlines.  


The Akadimía campaign setting uses an alternative system of ancestry, Grazilaxx's Guide to Ancestry. The description of the available choices, adapted for the world of Zihæt are found in the articles linked below.   Under this system, ability score increases are instead deferred to the classes.   Note that in addition, the types of Magic in Zihæt available to characters are dependent on ancestry. In particular Bloodline magic, Natural Magic and Miracles of Dieu are restricted.  

Character Ancestries

Note that certain backgrounds may be restricted to certain ancestries, for narrative purposes.   You can choose from one of the following character ancestries.
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Character Ancestries

Note that certain backgrounds may be restricted to certain ancestries, for narrative purposes.   You can choose from one of the following character ancestries.

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