Aslana Deserts Geographic Location in Akeroth | World Anvil
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Aslana Deserts

The Aslana Deserts is one of the locations in the world of Akeroth, located south of Mayfalls Keep and East of New Erwick.   King Beyhas resides here with his army and son, other races rarely visit here.   The high tower built here is a testament to Leonin strength and stands as a warning to any who would dare enter this land of anything but peace.


Years after the Battle of Illotos, the Aslana deserts are known as a continent of deserts and mountains, with few bastions of civilization to be found. and all of these locations is desert.   The merchant city of Armagh is located among the beaches of the Bay of Power on the southeastern end of the area. South of that is the Azmarin Mountains, which stretched hundreds of miles before reaching the Banished Desert. The City of Myrnia, a capital surrounded by a web of smaller villages, is alternately described as being near the center of the Aslana Desert, or only a day-and-a-half's foot travels from the Azmarin Mountains, making it close to the western lake relative to most of the continent. To the far north are scrubland and marshes leading to the volatile mountains surrounding the Sanlow Volcano. A separate and distinctive mountain formation, the spire-like Anchor Mountains, can be found 290 miles north of Myrnia. The desert is at least partly bordered by forests; in the eastern region of Aslana is a village surrounded by tropical greenery.   The Balmoral Valley is near the southern edge of Aslana, and despite its dusty, badland terrain it is home to a number of small cities and villages. To the southwest are the spire-like peaks, plateaus, and fertile valleys of the Hillfar Wildlands leading into the forests governed by the Throne of Hyhill.   There are some whispers of a place known as the Vault of the Solari, a hidden temple in the Azmarin Mountains that belonged to Solari from the beginning of the Age of the Arcane until just before the Rise of Ar-seid when they were brutally murdered and the vault was sealed forever.


During the Age of Dragons, The Aslana Desert was the lush home of a prominent civilization. During the early years of the Draconic War, nations on the continent turned the verdant landscape into ash and desert, and during the War a vengeful god, Sifor was responsible for the creation of the Rumedam Desert and the mountain ranges that separate the regions of the continent as penance for their war Sifor blessed the people of this land with the Golden Stone of Baloryx, allowing the Leonin & Tabaxi of the deserts to build the deserts as they see fit.   Two to three centuries after the Draconic War, Aslanian explorers and traders had a seminal influence on other continents. In Erwick, a legendary spice monger from Aslana named Myrnia helped to fund the construction of the capital and the capital still bears his name. Around 324 BBI, an exploration vessel from the Deserts reached the Isles of Illitos and first established trade with the Tirafel. The Myrnians soon returned and established a colonial outpost called Damali on the edge of the deserts, the beginning of what would eventually expand into the independent town of Laionia. A secret sect of Aslanian worshipers of Xak'tun brought about the rise of Laionia and the growth of their group now known as The Banished.   At that time in 256 BBI, the great city of Myrnia had just been founded under the rule of Ze'thun Starseeker. When Ze'thun was declared emperor, the Aslanian colonists of Laionia demanded independence, and the emperor eventually granted it. At the time, the famed Lizardfolk thief, Vohre, ruled over half of the deserts from his base in the Tiozin Sands. Vohre, with his feral armies of kobolds and other serpentine followers, attacked the city when it was perhaps 100 or 150 years old, but after a two-week battle, his armies were defeated and Vohre was wounded, and as he fled north over the ocean he was struck down and fell into the sea. He was presumed dead and his remains were never discovered.   After this battle and the misuse of Magic within his kingdom. In 119 BBI, Ze'thun declared that magic will be banned within this region, and any who are seen to be using or practicing magic shall be taken to the Emperor's judgment and executed. The pride of the Aslanian warriors and their strength is the only thing powerful enough to keep any who wish to fight within these walls at bay.


There are many places of interest in the Aslana deserts but the key focuses are;  


  • Ona - Grand Castle of the Emperor Beyhas
  • The Baloryx Arena - Battle Arena for Gladiatorial Combat
  • Griffins & Gargoyles - Geta's Store of Exotic Items
  • The Sanded Orb - Orton's Tavern & Adventurer's Guild
  • The Black Lotus - Jor'Thol's Medicinal Shop
  • The Dusted Anvil - Gikre's Armory & Blacksmithery


  • Solarreach Stronghold - Barracks and home of General Xak'Tun
  • Quenched Steel - Military Armory
  • The Drunk Gorgon - Local Tavern
  • Pit of Death - A Brutal Combat Arena
  • The Aggressive Vial - Local Store
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